
In BnbArk we believe that fair service should have a fair price!

Scale your bookings, not your costs

Normally, a full website requires at least $1500 plus a yearly fee for support, let alone the countless wasted hours looking for an experienced web designer and explaining to them your needs and goals. But not with BnbArk! Our service is tailor-made to the needs of the rental owner and you only pay for a yearly subscription.

Small owner

Excellent for owners of one or few properties
$ 299
  • 1 to 5 rentals*
  • Availability calendar
  • Accept bookings
  • Syncbnb integration**
  • Paypal, Stripe, bank deposit

Bnb manager

For those who manage more than a few rentals
$ 399
  • 6 to 10 rentals*
  • Availability calendar
  • Accept bookings
  • Syncbnb integration**
  • Paypal, Stripe, bank deposit

Grand hotelier

Great for small hotel owners or businesses
$ 499
  • 11 to 20 rentals*
  • Availability calendar
  • Accept bookings
  • Syncbnb integration**
  • Paypal, Stripe, bank deposit

* A rental is a piece of property that can be rented independently, eg one villa, one house, one hotel room.

** In order for the Syncbnb integration to work you need a functioning subscription in the Syncbnb service.

If you own more rentals, please contact us for an enterprise plan!

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Rental website builder

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BnbArk is a © project. is a web design agency specializing WordPress based in Athens, Greece.